Dear Ina Libak leader of AUF
In commemoration of the terrorist attack in Utøya camp, as the Democratic Youth Union of East Kurdistan, we send our condolences and grievance for the lost lives of those beautiful souls.
Of course, this horrific attack was on a young generation that was the hope of your respective country with a beautiful future. Those youths’ only crime was their belief in humanity and against bigotry. We the Kurdish youth have a long history of being victims of terrorism and bigotry, the last instance was the terrorist attack on Yalda nights (Winter Solstice) celebration in 2016, unfortunately, we lost some of our organization cadres and members.
We as the DYUEK a member of IUSY, we see ourselves as a friend and partner of every social democratic and secular organization. We hope success and prosperity for your organization and we send our condolences to remaining family members.
Warm Regards
Democratic Youth Union of East Kurdistan
General Secretary
Peshawa Alipour